The unemployment rate in the North East has increased to 6.6% and is way above the National average. The Covid-19 pandemic and recent Tier 4 restrictions have pushed many households who were just making ends meet to the very edge.
With more families and individuals across our region losing jobs due to the recession and Covid-19 pandemic, Upstart Enterprise has teamed up with Play In Newcastle to host more much needed local community jobs fairs. The first jobs fair of 2021 in Fawdon on 22nd January could well be the last, due to restrictions in grant funding in 2021 across Newcastle.
There are currently plans to deliver the Plan B, which is to move the Fawdon event online due to further lockdown restrictions. Free spaces can be booked for the Fawdon event online
Upstart Enterprise’s Jobs, skills and enterprise fairs crowd funding page is and their target of £10,000 will enable a further two jobs fairs in two more areas.